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Virtual Due Diligence Rooms

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Virtual due diligence rooms are cloud-technology-based platforms that facilitate and expedite the deal-making process. By allowing multiple parties to review documents at the same time in a central location virtual due diligence rooms decrease the time and expense of transferring physical files. Compared to traditional methods, they provide an efficient and secure method to exchange information.

VDRs are used across an array of industries, from financial services to healthcare and IT. They are particularly useful in capital raising, mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings (IPOs) and divestitures. They allow law firms and investment companies to keep, share and access confidential information easily and securely. A virtual due diligence room is more than a simple cloud storage solution. It comes with a variety of additional features.

One of the most important features is document versioning. This ensures the most recent version of a particular document is always available. A VDR is also designed to avoid printing that isn’t authorized, which could be a big risk for M&A deals as well as other transactions that are sensitive. The most recent versions of VDRs also incorporate AI functions that improve efficiency and speed up the review of contracts. DFIN Venue, for example, offers a variety of automated tools like auto-indexing and full-text search.

Choosing the best VDR for due diligence is knowing the features that will benefit your specific goals and needs. Choose a platform that offers an easy-to-use interface and integrated support services to avoid paying for solutions that don’t meet your requirements. Then, take advantage of free trials to see how the software works and ensure it is up to your expectations.


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