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Merger Acquisition Integration Best Practices

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A well-planned process for integration for mergers and acquisitions will help you increase the value of your deal. This is a complex procedure that requires the appropriate mix of organizational operational, finance, change-management and cultural abilities to succeed. Companies that are successful are able to provide 6 to 12 percent more total returns to shareholders than those who don’t.

The company that is buying must begin to think about integration as early as is possible during the due negotiation and diligence phases. An in-depth assessment of the target culture will help you determine your approach to due diligence, meetings with top management and the initial planning for integration. In a healthcare acquisition, managers utilized their initial insight into the target’s culture to make strategic decisions regarding the evaluation of synergies and forming teams for integration. They limited how many people were in attendance at initial meetings and made other tactical decisions, like limiting the number of functional areas that were involved.

One of the most common practices we observe in successful mergers is the use a structured process for capturing synergies. This means putting line managers in charge of their objectives and holding them accountable for their outcomes. It also involves the integration of synergies into the annual operating plans of leaders and budgets.

It is crucial to have a team of managers that is integrated for the duration of post-close integration. This could take up to two years. The team should have the power to act quickly and have access to all relevant information.

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